Where is Edwin Gil?
Without a doubt, 2021 has been a year that no one will forget, a year of pandemic and subsequent changes for many people. I was not an exception. I moved to Phoenix, traveled the west coast of the US, and had the opportunity to get to know a different region of the country. I also discovered a lot of things about myself. Sometimes, along the way, we forget who we are because of our desire to raise our social standing. COVID, without a doubt, has made us view life from a different perspective. As a result, I have drawn closer to my ART, the most valuable thing in my life.
As many of you know, ART saved my life. Now more than ever, I shout that reality to the world.
Not only has it saved me in difficult times, but it also has been a tool for me to help others. In the last eight years, my Faces of Diversity installations have brought to many the message of the importance of diversity, reconciliation, and understanding differences. In this way, I hope that I have sown hope for a better and more united world.
In 2022, three new Faces of Diversity are already scheduled in North Carolina, New Mexico and Nevada. It is my hope to confirm more of these projects for the coming year to continue on my mission of breaking stereotypes through art.
New Series: Where is your heart?
This series is dedicated to our passions that motivate us to live. At times in this pandemic, I have felt depressed without knowing why and it has been art that has helped me survive and pass through that difficult stage that has happened to all of us. And therefore, I was moved to create a series celebrating our different passions that have kept us mentally sane on a daily basis.
Love, friendship, music, dance, yoga, family, travel, reading, wine, hiking, food, plants.... These are some of the many topics treated in this series.
I hope that you will share with me what has helped you stay mentally and emotionally balanced.
In the series Where is your heart? I have incorporated the hummingbird because of its symbolism.

In my community work this year, I am proud to Co-Chair with my partner Valdo Figueroa in the event call Fresh Brunch for One N Ten. You can find more information here: https://aesaz.co/ELP/BRUNCH2022/
Follow us on Instagram @edwingilcom
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Edwin.Gil
Web site www.edwingil.com
More about One N Ten https://onenten.org